Monday, April 30, 2012


They always say that being a parent grows your relationship with God. Well, I think I'm learning a lot already just through out pregnancy. FAITH. I'm learning to have more faith. It is very difficult to not be thinking about this baby girl every second of the day and I have no idea what's going on in there. On a bad day, it's hard to lie in bed and just hope that everything is going as planned and that God is creating her a little at a time in His perfect way. And at some moments, I just want to know if she is ok. But now, I just rub my belly and pray. I already know the moment I get to hold her in my arms a huge weight will be lifted off my shoulders (or hips if you want to be literal). And then at that point I'll probably be wishing she could go back in my uterus where I know she would be safe.

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