Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Brain Food

Mr. Competitive wanted to know what he should eat the night before and morning of his tests. So we did a little research online.

Check out my new grocery list:

Salmon and Sardines - Omega-3
Spinach, black beans, and blueberries - also good antioxidants
Cranberries - reduce brain cell damage after a stroke
Folic Acid - prevents aging diseases like Parkinsons and Alzheimers
Curry - can help prevent Alzheimers
Chocolate/cacao beans- has the most antioxidants {don't tell my mother!! haha, this is an ongoing argument in our family!}
Green tea (matcha) - what Japanese monks would use for 12 hour meditation, good for memory and focus
Acai berries - protect the brain from stress, improve learning capacity
Coffee beans - good antioxidants, reduces mental decline, prevent Alzheimers
Walnuts - Vitamin E
Avocados - helps with a healthy blood flow (healthy brain)
Pomegranate Juice - good antioxidants {and my dad is cheering!}
Eggs - choline, good for memory

WebMD article

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