We just recently finished a study in our small group. We did it over a study called Life 101 - Marriage Edition by Dr. Bob and Ann Livesay at Pine Cove. We have always been fascinated about marriage - the roles a husband and wife play. Throughout college we've read Wild at Heart, Captivating, Love and Respect. God made everything on purpose and he made men and women different for a reason.
The Lord God took the man and placed him in the garden of Eden to work it and watch over it ... Then the Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is like him." ... Then the Lord God made the rib He had taken from the man into a woman and brought her to the man. - Genisis 2:15,18,22
- Man was formed from the ground for the ground and is therefore work-oriented. Woman was formed from a man, for a man; she is, therefore, relationally oriented.
How true is this? StuDoc definitely prioritizes achievements and goals, where I focus more on relationships. Can you imagine if two people were only work-oriented or only relational. They would miss out on a lot in life. It always helps to be reminded that we were created different for a reason. Instead of trying to change eachother we should be better about listening and find a compromise. With little time that we get to spend with eachother, we don't have time to fight over silly things.
One thing we learned during this study was actually something a friend had suggested. She said that a lot of times her and her husband will end up arguing just to argue. For example, the argument can just get escalated into something bigger than it started out to be. She said, now when they can't agree on something they ask eachother on a scale from 1-10 how important is this to you? Usually, it ends up being really important to one person and not as much to the other. Maybe deciding on where christmas decorations should go, how the dishwasher should be organized, taking care of the cars, etc. I think we will quickly learn that most of the time we are fighting for something we don't really care what the outcome is. We'll notice that it quickly escalated into the crazy cycle. It will be hard to remember in the middle of an argument to stop and ask the question how important is this to you, but it's worth the try!
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