Friday, April 27, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to my husband!!! It was actually a week ago, but I am just now getting to this post. I wanted to share a few of the gifts I bought him...

My husband LOVES books (maybe a little too much). So me encouraging this hobby is a treat! It's similar to a wife buying her gamer husband another game. I asked a friend for a suggestion for a book on raising a christian family, a father raising a daughter, or something along those lines. And she suggested this. So I thought I'd share:

I'll let y'all know how it is when we are done.

And I threw something else in his birthday bag too... I'm sorry I couldn't help myself!

He opened it and said it was "really cute!" I laughed, because I don't think I have ever heard him say that something was "cute" before. Oh, how this little one will change him forever :) Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband!!!

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