3,500 applicants, 700 were interviewed, and 200 were accepted
Today was the BIG day!! The first day of med school - The White Coat Ceremony, where each StuDoc receives their first white coat. The length of the coat is shorter, as it represents the status of the Doctor (when he graduates he will receive a longer white coat for residency). We headed to College Station early this morning, met up with his family, and watched this StuDoc walk across the stage! I am so proud! We have grown up together and it was a blessing to see God bring him to where he is today. As we were driving through east Texas we were reminiscing on when we were 18 taking the same route to watch him play football. Who would have thought then that we would be making this drive now? And who knows what life will be like and what blessings we will have when we return in 4 years for his graduation!??
I stayed up late the night before making my husband's favorite dessert and decorating our home to continue the celebration! His family wasn't able to attend, so it ended up just being the two of us. Which was fine and made for a relaxing evening.
Servanthood does not nullify leadership; it defines it. ... Headship is the divine calling of a husband to take primary responsibility for Christlike, servant leadership, protection, and provision in the home.
This Momentary Marriage by John Piper
I am a little bittersweet tonight. I am so happy and proud that he got here and take part in his anticipation for this particular moment. But, I am also a little sad that the time has come and from here on out, well, our lives will never be the same :)
With love,
a very proud wife!!
1 comment:
Whit, I am so glad that the internet has provided a forum for me to keep up with you guys! It's been a joy to read about all of these exciting moments in your life! :)
(I know our blog is private now. If you'd like to read it, just request to read it and I'll approve)
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