Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Communication is Key

W: I'm sorry I've been falling behind on the laundry. I keep saying I'm going to do it and then I keep picking up extra shifts at work.
C: It's ok.
W: Haven't you ran out of underwear or shorts yet?
C: No, I've been getting some out of that laundry basket on the floor.
W: Ummmm, thats the pile of dirty clothes I've keep meaning to wash.
C: -pause- so that's probably why people have been giving me weird looks at school

Hahahaha, I laughed so hard at lunch today! This is what happens when it's test week and we don't communicate for a few days.

To my defense, I was in the middle of doing the laundry and took an extra shift last minute. I've been working a lot the past few days (a girl just found out she's pregnant and has been calling in sick a lot).
To his defense, this is the laundry basket that I use while I'm doing laundry and usually ends up with clean clothes that haven't been folded yet.
And to his defense, since he works out everyday he goes through athletic shorts, socks, and underwear so fast sometimes I can't keep up. I just need to go buy him more of a each.

Poor guy and poor people he sits next to at school! haha. Next time, if I put off laundry halfway through I'll be sure to put a sign on it that says "still dirty!"

And now I'm off to do our laundry!!!!! =)

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