Sunday, February 12, 2012

Laptops crashing everywhere...

So, the moment after my last post (while I was using my husbands' school computer), his laptop crashed as well. Oops! The previous day, he had spent 12 hours making online flashcards. All a week before his big test. He didn't get upset as much as I thought he would (or as much as I would) and stayed pretty calm saying things like "I don't know why I this upset. It's not like I don't have my books and can't study." I was pretty proud of him for having that attitude (partly because I know I would have been a basketcase). We found out that the port where you use the charger was broken from the inside and would remain dead. Remember when I did that post about what computer you should have for medical school? And how if you get the recommended laptop, the school's IT department will fix it free of charge. Totally worth it!! He went in Monday morning, they fixed it in about an hour, and that was it. If it was any other laptop, it would have been shipped away and then shipped back and would have cost us a lot of money. He probably wouldn't have gotten it back in time for his exam either.

I am not going to lie, I was kind of hoping something eventually would happen to his laptop and we would rely on IT so that we could confirm we made the right decision in paying more for the recommended laptop. Glad everything turned out ok and the students are busy studying their 45 lectures for this Infectious Disease block tomorrow. Wishing everyone the best of luck!

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