Sunday, November 6, 2011

Roles of the husband

to love their wives, to lead their wives, and to live with their wives

When a man leads their wife and family he must take the initiative and be engaged/involved. We actually talked about how it will be interesting with his profession how 'involved' he will actually get to be. Will this be an ongoing battle for his kids and wife to be tugging on him to spend more quality time with them or will this just have to be one of those things the family will need to accept and understand that he is busy saving lives? Having a family is just as important to my husband as it is to me. I know that this is something that he internally will struggle with. When reading other doctor's wives' blogs, a common theme is the doctor missing out on birthdays, sporting events, holidays, and get togethers. I know that this is something I will understand and eventually adjust to. But we worry about our future kids. How quickly will they understand why their dad misses their little league games? Eventually, just like every child, they will grow up and realize the sacrifices their parents made for their well-being and have more of an adult perspective looking back on their childhood.

And of course, not every doctor lives this way. Some work 8-5 Monday through Friday, some work 48 hours straight and 72 hours off, and some are just always on call. When these Student Doctors are deciding which specialty they want to go into, the life-style of each one plays a vital role for most.

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