Sunday, June 3, 2012

Living in the Moment

We can go hours day-dreaming about the future. When we were 16, we talked about what our lives would be like in the future and we still do. A lot. At least once a day we have one of these conversations. They usually start off with "I can't wait til we..." or "I look forward to the day when we can..." We have looked forward to getting married, starting a family, having a house, vacations, and even the smaller things. However, it's consuming our life. We talk and talk but sometimes forget to live in the now. We can talk about how we look forward to being more involved in the community, weekends away, having big gatherings at our home, and so on. But sometimes I catch myself saying, why can't we do that now? Sometimes we use medical school as an excuse. And then we will eventually use residency as an excuse, then fellowship, and then attending, then what? We're 80 and never accomplished the little things we wanted to. So, here is to living more in the moment. Talking about what we can do now and not years from now. Making our dreams a reality.

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