Wednesday, August 3, 2011

GROSS anatomy

I walked in to our spare (office) room this morning and found a disection kit on the desk. I remembered he said he bought it used from an MS2. I open it.. i was curious! And I will pretend it was "dirt" (even though I can only HOPE that's what it was) in the corners of the box and then thought to my self... these tools sitting in MY home were used to cut open another human being.... gross!! And it kinda had a stinch when I opened it too. I am definitely going to have to gain a stronger stomach if he's going to tell me stories of gross anatamy lab.

I did make it clear that his scrubs he wears during his anatomy lab... I will not be washing. I do not want tissue, fat, blood from a cadaver rolling around in my washing machine... gross gross gross! And everyone keeps telling me to beware of the cadaver smell when he comes home. I wonder if I can get him to take a shower at the hospital?



Anatomy lab is set up differently here than maybe at some other schools. We chose our tank group (being our cadaver tank). Six people are in a group. Four people go to the anatomy class and have to go back and teach the other two students. Those two students take a quiz and everyone in the group gets their quiz score. Tank groups were chosen on the first day of school. So it's important to be getting to know everyone during orientation week. MS2s say that the most important thing you can do is have a good tank group.

Some classes are set up where a different doctor teaches each day. It's a great way to network with all the doctors in the hospital. I actually got a chance to talk to the surgeon today who offered for me to come and sit in on the orthopedic grand rounds with the other residents tomorrow morning. This is one reason why I love being at Scott and White because everyone is always willing to help and allow you shadow any time. The ratio between doctors and students is definitely in the students favor.

Today was the first day of gross anatomy lab, and I loved it.  I really enjoyed studying the anatomy and "doing surgery" on the cadaver.  It only confirmed how much I love surgery, and how important anatomy is for a surgeon. 


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